
Kanonball 1.1
Half-Life / Модификации
Дата: 27 Янв, 2004 г. - 03:23

Kanonball 1.1 На прошлой неделе состоялся релиз новой версии футуристической, спортивной симуляции 23-го века под названием Kanonball 1.1. Весь принцип игры можно описать следующей цитатой, принадлежащей создателям модификации:

Не допускайте ошибок - не пропустите зрелище ускоренной эволюции. Займите место на передовой, ведь у вас есть шанс преуспеть там, где другие несомненно отступят. Не бойтесь боли и препятствий, вы должны выстоять - слава ждет тех, кто справится с собой!



Kanonball Homepage




  • Added a numbering system to the specator queue so that the player know how long it will be before they can enter the game
  • Time in the VGUI that tells you how long you have to choose is now correct
  • 'sv_alltalk' now switched between global and team voice chat
  • PIDs of spectators are no longer shown
  • There is now a 10 second intermission between maps so that people can chat and see the game score
  • Minor bug where player would been seen as '0' in line for like 2-5 seconds then be shown their correct number in line
  • Fixed scoreboard so that it no longer shows a players last team-color/positions/body when they demote from player to spectator
  • Fixed bug where if you were in ICA when the map changes, weird things happen
  • Optimized code during goal scoring to improve network performance
  • Fixed bug that caused camera to shake during ICA events
  • Fixed scoreboard problem where it showed the wrong information and colors for players
  • New "Channel 18" sprite replaces the globe on the HUD during ICA events
  • The new maps are: kb_phoenix, kb_wapping, kb_bangkok, kb_sydney (an old map improved for kball 1.1)

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