
Public Enemy - интервью
Half-Life / Общение
Дата: 24 Авг, 2003 г. - 23:54

Недавно в свет вышла новая версия мода Public Enemy под номером 1.2. В связи этим состоялось интервью между HomeLan Fed и одним из разработчиков модификации Manuel Schupbach. Вот небольшой отрывок, касающийся будущего PE на платформе HL2:

HomeLAN - Are there any plans to move Public Enemy to the Half-Life 2 engine at some point?

Manuel Schupbach - At the moment we're working hard on an own engine and with this engine we'd like to develop one of many game ideas we had since release of the Public Enemy Beta 1.0. But it's also possible that we convert Public Enemy to the HL2-Engine - Unfortunately there are many things which speak against this plan. One important thing is that if you use the HL2-Engine, you have not a big chance that you can sell your product.


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