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Offtopics / Разное
Дата: 23 Янв, 2003 г. - 18:35

Те из нас, кто в последние дни пытался зайти на страницу известного Anti-Cheat-Community - UnitedAdmins , наверняка, был удивлён, увидев высвечивающуюся на дисплее ошибку «404».

Наконец ситуация начала постепенно проясняться. Официальный представитель UnitedAdmins, Vampire (UA Public Relations Director), заявил, что главная страница UA была подвержена так называемой хакерской Dos-атаке. По словам Vampire, благодаря вовремя принятым мерам удалось избежать серьёзных повреждений и редуцировать урон на минимум.

Несколько дней до этого нападение было совершено на www.adminban.com, где хакеры оставили даже следующее сообщение: "Cyb3r Attack Was HERE! Bjaum pro Javorsk highvoltage youth yessido pe!d0 brook Antrax ZoLraK e tudo os JAV?s ! =* "

Официальное пресс-сообщение:

After a serious DoS attack o­n the UnitedAdmins webserver, UA has decided to accelerate plans to expand the UnitedAdmins network. In the course of this attack, UA was forced to take measures to protect both the server and it’s host, which included removing access to the website and modifying the DNS records

"We are sorry for any inconvenience caused as a result of these measures" said Nick "HoundDawg" Slevkoff, Web Development Director for UnitedAdmins.

In response to the current situation the Board of Directors has decided to modify UA’s policy o­n mirrors, Therefore UA is actively looking for mirrors, to handle the additional load, interested members can apply here. UA would like to use this opportunity to thank DedicatedPlay and iLan for their timely assistance.

"It’s our privilege to assist United Admins in this troubled time. They have provided and supported the gaming community with the tools needed to enhance and protect gaming servers. We are proud to finally contribute to the community by assisting UA."

- Travis Ingram, Senior Tech, DedicatedPlay

"United Admins contributes to the Counter-Strike community in a big way. We feel it is not o­nly our privilege, but our responsibility to help ensure they always have a stable home o­n the web. It is the least we can do for all the long hours they have spent enhancing and protecting gameplay."

- Luke Chavers, Lead Programmer, iLan Game


UA Public Relations Director

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